LGBTQIA+ fertility
People who identify as LGBQTIA+ face unique fertility challenges and may require assistance with reproduction. We offer a wealth of experience and comprehensive management options based on the individual fertility needs of our patient/s. Options include intrauterine insemination (IUI) using donor sperm, IVF/ICSI with donor sperm and/or eggs, egg sharing within a couple, surrogacy fertility management and gamete preservation for people undertaking gender affirming treatment. Anju works closely with Monash IVF and their donor program to create personalised treatment plans specifically designed for the individual or couple.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
IUI is a procedure in which sperm is inserted directly into a person’s uterus at the time of ovulation. People have the option of using a sperm donor known to them, or a donor recruited by the clinic.
In Vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Same sex female couples will sometimes require IVF/ICSI. This is usually undertaken when IUI has failed or there are other gynaecological conditions such as tubal blockage, endometriosis, fibroids, severe PCOS etc. Sometimes IVF with embryo testing is recommended when a woman is of advanced maternal age.
Partner IVF/ Egg sharing
Partner IVF may be an appealing concept for a same sex female couple because it allows both partners to be physically involved in the conception of their baby. One partner provides the eggs, which are fertilised with donor sperm, and the other partner carries the pregnancy.
For same sex male couples, surrogacy is typically recommended. Surrogacy is an arrangement where a person offers to carry a baby through pregnancy on behalf of another person or couple. In Victoria, a surrogate must not have a genetic link to the child and therefore their eggs cannot be used to conceive the child. Eggs can be sourced from a known donor or from donor eggs from The World Egg Bank (TWEB) via Monash IVF.
Important steps need to be undertaken to ensure all parties can make an informed decision regarding surrogacy. These include initial consultation, counselling, psychological assessment, independent legal advice, consenting and screening tests. In Victoria all surrogacy arrangements must also be approved by an independent patient review panel.
Surrogacy is a complex process and Dr Agarwal works closely with Monash IVF to make this process as smooth as possible for her patients.
For trans and gender diverse people undergoing gender affirming treatment, fertility preservation is an important consideration. It is recommended that people consider a consultation with a fertility specialist before medical transition begins to discuss available options so that an informed decision can be made.
Egg freezing
This is an option for trans men (assigned female at birth) where ovarian stimulation is performed to grow and develop multiple eggs which are then collected via a surgical procedure and subsequently frozen for future use.
Sperm Freezing
This is an option for trans women (assigned male at birth) where sperm is collected and frozen in straws for future use. For those who are not able to produce a sample via masturbation, a testicular biopsy may be performed to collect sperm.
Pre-pubertal boys and girls have the option of having tissue frozen. Click here for more information.
Information for you
These appointments can take up to 60 minutes. You and your partner (if any) are encouraged to attend the initial appointment. Anju will take a thorough history, perform a gynaecological examination (if indicated) and review all the investigations already performed. More investigation may be ordered if required. Further appointments may then be organised to discuss results and plan treatment as necessary.
More information about appointments